Doing your card transactions on your mobile was unheard of a few years ago but today, many businesses; both small and big are embracing the mobile credit card processing technology. The big question is, with many service providers in the market, how do you choose the right one for your business?

This article seeks to provide you with recommendations to consider when choosing a mobile credit card processing company

A merchant account

If you do not have a merchant account, you need to get a mobile app that is bundled with the account. With a merchant account, your business is able to accept credit cards for payment. Thus, a customer does not need to get cash in order to purchase from you. Get a merchant account provider who is ready to walk with you through the process and ensure that you surmount the challenges.

Does your business have repeat customers?

If your business has repeat customers, then you need a mobile credit card app that will give solutions to your customers and assure them of confidentiality and safety of their account information. You must get an app that will ensure a seamless experience and avoid situations where you have to keep asking for your customers’ card information.

Would you want to manage your customers’ information from a regular computer?

If you are thinking of processing customer cards or managing their information from a point, you need a web application that can be accessed from any computer browser. Most of the mobile credit card apps have simple transaction options, which have several options where you can handle a variety of transactions. Get a web application solution that has the same functionalities you have on your app. This will make your process of transacting much more easier.

Payment communication

If you are a business and have repeat customers, you do not want any disputes with customers on payments. Therefore, you need to select a mobile app that would facilitate emailing the payment receipts and all relevant communication to your customer and any other interested party or anyone you would want to keep in the loop.

Go beyond a mobile app that collects payments only

Most of the businesses are on mobile point of sale but there are other equally important needs in your business. You need a system that will allow you to send invoices or run occasional payments from a virtual terminal. Thus, you need a Mobile Credit Card Processing Android solutions provider that offers multiple integrated acceptance methods. You do not want to have many systems running in your computer when you can have a single app managing all your business needs.

Do you have multiple users?

Do you have some employees, contractors or any other persons that would need to access your customer list, collect payments for your business or do any other transaction? The mobile app you choose should then able to support multiple users. Pay attention to the fees charged per user and get a service provider that will allow for unlimited users.

Go through the units, sections and check all your business needs. Having a clear picture of all that helps you to choose a mobile app that will be all-inclusive. Again, consider an application that is flexible and therefore can accommodate changes as the business grows.

By Robert Smith

John Smith: John, a former software engineer, shares his insights on software development, programming languages, and coding best practices.